Why Are Black Judges Being Punished For Enforcing The Law?

A Black Dallas Judge Eric Moye received criticism and support for sentencing a white Dallas salon owner Shelley Luther to jail for contempt of court after she kept her salon open amid Coronavirus restrictions.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott got on what many people believe, the white supremacist code, and modified his own executive order, to remove jail time as punishment for violating the order. This was done to free Shelly Luther for jail.
It seems that white officials are willing to negate the laws that they create, if Black official utilize these laws to punish white criminals who violate these laws. Judge Moye is now being criticized by suspected white supremacists around the country for being what they deem as “unfair” for enforcing the law on a white person.
Another Black lawyer who has been repeatedly reprimanded for doing his job in a fair and equal manner, is the honorable Judge Olu Stevens out of Louisville Ky. Judge Stevens has been heavily criticized by anti-Black racists because he has spoken against white supremacist tactics and rhetoric in his courtroom.
Recently, Judge Stevens received more criticism for his role in a controversial case he is presiding over. On March 13th 2020, race soldiers in Louisville stormed the home of an innocent Black woman named Breonna Taylor, and executed her. The race soldiers had a warrant for another suspect, but they went to the wrong home, and barged in the apartment unannounced, and according to reports, started immediately firing their weapons.
After the race soldiers executed Taylor, another male survivor in the home Kenneth Walker, shot back in self defense. Walker, 27, was unfairly charged with attempted murder of a police officer after he shot Sgt. John Mattingly in the leg.
Judge Olu Stevens lowered Walker’s bond from $250,000 cash to home incarceration, which was the right thing to do, because Walker had a Constitutional right to protect himself. Now white supremacist run police unions are crying foul over Judge Steven’s ruling.
Black Americans must make it a point to support Black judges who do the right thing, and enforce the laws equally and fairly. In a system of white supremacy, anti-Black racists believe that equal justice is unfair.