Wisconsin Supreme Court Strikes down COVID19 Stay-at-Home Order.
What does Wisconsin Supreme Court ruling mean for Foundational Black Americans?

What does this mean for Foundational Black Americans?
The Wisconsin Supreme Court overturned Gov. Tony Evers’ COVID-19 stay-at-home order. The court ruled it “unlawful” and “unenforceable.” The court ruled that Gov. Tony Evers’ administration overstepped its authority when the state Department of Health Services extended the order to May 26.
This court order is very important to Foundational Black Americans. It demonstrates how white privilege is created and protected in America. We are being targeted and over-policed under the same type of stay-at-home orders struck down by the court. On March 28th, Los Angeles police were called to break-up a one-year-old’s birthday party.
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Wisconsin is 85% white, they are using the court system to protect their civil rights. The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruling needs to be studied carefully by COVID19 black activists. It represents a blueprint for protecting black people’s civil-rights during the COVID-19 pandemic. More importantly, the court wrote in their decision that
“an agency cannot confer on itself the power to dictate the lives of law-abiding individuals as comprehensively as the order does without reaching beyond the executive branch’s authority.”
Many COVID19 black activists were predicting the pandemic would be used as justification to over-police black bodies. As the data for arrest begin to circulate, their concerns turned out to be true. The New York governors’ stay at home order, has been used by the NYPD to target law-abiding black citizens for arrest. The NYPD has issued nearly 400 summonses to people for violating social-distancing protocols or other emergency measures related to the coronavirus. Of the 400 total summons total of 193 of the summonses, or 51.6 percent, were given to black New Yorkers.
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In Kings County [ Brooklyn ], black people accounted for 28 of the NYPD’s arrests — or about 72 percent — despite making up just 34 percent of the total population.